Village Name: Grayling
(Part of the I AM Radio Network)
Status: Installed 07/26/07 as a satellite fed translator station in the northern portion of the village. Unfortunately, the view of the satellite was marginal at that location and about 2011 the growth of trees on the ridge in front of the dish and some other factors resulted in problems with the reliability of the station. In June of 2016 the station was relocated to the central part of the village and converted to an internet feed from KIAM. There were some equipment reliability problems over the next few months, but by January 2017 the station was regarded as one of the most reliable in the network. It is the first translator station to be fed via internet from KIAM.
Location Description: Grayling is located in Interior Alaska on the west bank of the Yukon River east of the Nulato Hills. It is 18 air miles north of Anvik. The community lies at approximately 62.903610° North Latitude and -160.064720° (West) Longitude. The area encompasses 10.9 sq. miles of land and 0.1 sq. miles of water.
Climate: The climate of Grayling is continental, with long, cold winters and relatively warm summers. Temperature extremes range between -60 to 87. Snowfall averages 110 inches, with 21 inches of total precipitation per year. The Yukon River is ice-free from June through October.

Transportation: Roads: Winter Trails: Runway: -State owned2,315' long by 60' wide Barge: -Commercial Barge/Riverboat
Closest Major River: Yukon River |
Demographics: A federally-recognized tribe is located in the community -- the Organized Village of Grayling. The population of the community consists of 91.8% Alaska Native or part Native. The population of Grayling is comprised of Holikachuk and Ingalik Indians. Subsistence activities are import to villagers' livelihoods. The sale of alcohol is banned in the village. During the 2000 U.S. Census, total housing units numbered 63, and vacant housing units numbered 12. Vacant housing units used only seasonally numbered 1. U.S. Census data for Year 2000 showed 52 residents as employed. The unemployment rate at that time was 20 percent, although 50.48 percent of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $21,875, per capita income was $7,049, and 64.46 percent of residents were living below the poverty level.
Power Source: AVEC
Local Government Offices: City of Grayling, P.O. Box 89, 99590, 453-5148
Hee-Yea-Lingde Corporation, 101 Third St, 99590, 453-5133
Grayling IRA Council, P.O. Box 49, 99590, 453-5116
Translator Funding Status: Equipment: Monthly Power: Monthly Satellite Fee: |
Picture taken during construction in July 2007.
Village Website: None
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